Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Sometimes I wish life was like a musical. We all break into song during stressful times and then things seem to always end in a happy and fulfilling way.

Stress, now theres a word we all enjoy. There is the good stress, like love, and watching a movie, or making dinner. Then there are the bad know, bills, kids, errands, bills, housing, food, bills...oh and did I meantion BILLS.

The newest thing in my life is the I cannot seem to follow "The Secret". The idea that what you think and preach are heard by the universe and that everything is brought back to you. So if you think positive thoughts and speak positive affirmations all the time, perhaps the universe will fill your life with everything you have ever wanted. But you see there's this one thing that bothers me, we, as humans are not very good at thinking positive ALL THE TIME! At least I'm not. What about you?

Well, I got some bad news recently, and so I decided that I am definitely Cursed. I've suspected for awhile, but it was just a matter of finding the right thing to prove it to myself.

Last year my famiy and I became homeless, we moved into a shelter, and accident occured and the state took my kids. After a long battle, we were proven innocent and the kids were returned. We had a home, and we were figuring things out. It looked great. Until a lady shows up on our door step and announces that we have 2 weeks to pack and move. You see the apartment building that we rent in, it turns out that it has gone through a foreclosure. So they are offering us a small monetary incentive to move out of their newly acquired building. And there is no where for us to go. I put my savings into this place. It was supposed to be home for at LEAST a year! I'm pissed off, needless to say.

However, I am not failing yet. We are looking, we are searching and we are hoping. And even though I know that being human means thinking stupidly sometimes, I know that I am not really cursed, I'm just human. Annoyed with reality, but human.

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